Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.

Don Miguel Ruiz

Once we have dreamworked our dreams, made our connections and uncovered the hidden gems of truth from our dreams, we tend to wonder ‘What do I do now…?’

How can we use the information gleaned from our dreamworking to guide us on a magic-filled journey though life?

Here are some ideas…

#1 Acceptance

The first step of Dream Magic is to simply accept the dream’s teaching into the light of our waking Mind – allowing our previously hidden and unknown patterns to become known. This subtle yet profound shift will change our inner landscape, and begin to magically transform the world around us, as our Sun Mind and Moon Mind magically unite.

#2 Choices

Next we can look closely at the kinds of choices we are making in the dream and how they are effecting the outcomes. Are we happy with our choices and outcomes? Or would we, from a lucid state of mind, prefer to make different choices to elicit different outcomes. Generally, if a dream outcome was stressful and unsatisfactory, then the dream is recommending us to change our approach to this situation in our waking life. If the dream outcome is spectacular and glorious, then the dream is suggesting that we embrace more of these symbolic actions in waking life.

#3 Patterns of Manifestation

Dream Magic is the practice of re-claiming our power to co-create our world. Our dreams are poetic and symbolic reflections of the creative energies that our astral bodies are currently emanating through our chakras. If our dreams are unsatisfying then our energy body and chakras need tending to because we manifest our waking world from the patterns of these quantum energies, and we may be attracting less than desirable realities towards ourselves. This is why dreamwork is so valuable, because our dreams will show us the patterns of creative manifestation that are coming from beyond our known conscious mind. This guided meditation will clear, activate and harmonise the chakras of our astral body.

#4 Dream Re-entry Journeying

How do we shift our energy blueprints and lucidly manifest our waking world in the way we choose? Journeying back into a dream is one of the most powerful ways to lucidly re-write our dreams and heal our energy bodies at the pre-manifest quantum level.

Here we can shape our patterns of creative manifestation by consciously re-dreaming our dreams from a lucid state of mind. Dream re-entry journeying is energy-work in the pre-manifest quantum realms and will shape the creation of our waking world.

As we journey its so important to maintain a healthy balance between our Sun and Moon Minds. Re-dreaming is not about dominating our dreams with our Sun Minds, its about our waking and dreaming minds working together in harmony and balance – true lucidity. So we don’t “destroy” the demons in our re-dreaming, because this will only send them back into the underworlds more hurt and vengeful than ever. Instead we treat every dream element with love and forgiveness. We listen to our demons, and re-dream our dreams with win-win scenarios that greatly benefit every character in the dream. This involves amazing creativity within the unlimited potential of the Dreaming. To assist you there are guided dream re-entry meditations available on my youtube channel.

Love is the bridge between you and everything.


#5 Walking the Dream Magic

As well as emanating our Dream Magic energetically, we must also take symbolic physical steps to invite the Magic into our waking world –  to ‘walk the dream’ – with the lucid knowledge that our waking world (our waking dream) is responding and aligning itself to every thought and action we make. Its powerful magic to see each dream as a call to some kind of physical action – an opportunity to step into a bigger story, to live life more in alignment with the creative essence of our own dreaming. So I like to formulate a simple plan of action from my dreams, a way to ‘answer’ the call of the dream, to ‘lucidify’ the magic of the dream by bringing it symbolically into my waking life.

The best symbolic Dream Magic will inspire and empower you to be creative and manifest your unique gifts in the world. For example if I dream of being ‘naked in public’ then the symbolic magic I formulate may be to look for opportunities to show my true colours to the world, to ‘be-friend’ my feelings of being exposed or vulnerable. I might publicly share a poem or an artwork I have created, or just speak my truth when I might otherwise have remained quiet. I might spend more time actually being naked (in private, hah) and practise feeling comfortable in my own skin. In these ways I symbolically live the essence of the dream in a positive way, collecting courage from the dream to expose more of my true self to the world.

Our dreams love our true voices and encourage us to sing them loudly to the world, not for the sake of love or praise, simply for the innate joy of our own true and unique expression.

Our indigenous voice feels no self-consciousness because it is devotional. It is an ancient song that emanates from our gratitude and sings to keep the stars in the sky and the seasons turning… It recognises itself as necessary – an essential note in the great choir of being.

Toko-pa Turner

#6 Tend your Dream Altar

Creating and tending a dream altar is another magical way to honour the power-symbols from our dreams, so be on the look-out for dream symbols that materialise in your waking life and collect them for your dream altar. They will serve as powerful talismans of your dreaming, providing a living, symbolic bridge between the worlds. For example, if you dream of a white owl and the next day find a white feather outside your house, or you dream of finding gold coins and the next day notice some on your kitchen floor, pick them up and place them on your dream altar alongside candles and other precious and beautiful objects that please your creative Soul.

Your dream altar becomes your sacred space where you can step out of time and reflect on your inner dreaming. A place to be still, to request protection and guidance from your allies, to set intentions for your dreams, to write in your dream journal and to receive messages from your dream oracle cards.

#7 Notice Synchronicities

As we become lucid to our waking world and begin to interpret the waking world symbolically, understanding it as the symbolic projection of our collective dreaming, the synchronicities abound. Synchronicities are powerful messages sent as dream symbols within the collective dream of our waking world – they are magical communications between the dreaming universe and ourselves. Take special note of synchronicities and honour them by acknowledging their deeper meanings – they have symbolic meaning in the poetic mythology of your waking life, as well as being clear signs of your Dream Magic materialising in the physical world.

Live & Dream Your Magic

I hope these ideas have inspired you to live your dream magic. Our waking life is the canvas on which we can paint the colours of our dreams. And if we keep the magic of our dreaming alive inside us as we navigate our way through our waking life, the universe aligns itself around us to support the manifestations of our dreams.

~ Artwork artist unknown ~


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